Build A Wealthy Spirit

167. How to Calculate Your Net Worth

Episode 167

When I started calculating my net worth in 2019, I felt like a complete fraud. I had -$164,000 in student loan debt and I knew I would continue to have this debt until my student loan forgiveness period is completed in April 2025. Previously, I also assumed that my net worth would be negative until the loans were forgiven. This is where I was completely wrong. 

As I started tracking I found that with my deliberate saving and investing my net worth was rapidly increasing DESPITE still having -164k in student loan debt. Inspired by the change, I started saving and investing even more and in Jun 2020 my net worth was positive for the first time. 

The plan I had created for myself worked and it worked really well! I never admitted this out loud, but on that day I set an even more aggressive goal- to become a millionaire by the time my loans are forgiven. 

To be honest, I’m not 100% sure I will reach this goal, but I have already received drastic life-changing benefits from the wealth I have. I already get to spend my time the way I want to and, because of that, I am happier and healthier than I’ve ever been.

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