Build A Wealthy Spirit
What would you accomplish if you felt empowered to take more risks and pursue work you love? Many of us live life on autopilot, checking boxes while constantly on the lookout for the next best job, only to realize we still feel dissatisfied and lack purpose. Each week, Sammie and Michelle explore tools their community can use to unlock their full potential. Since it’s hard to build a meaningful life without a secure financial foundation, they break down the most actionable ideas from the financial independence community to help people move from a season of scarcity to abundance.Money without purpose isn’t satisfying in itself, so they take things to the next level by sharing ways to identify your values so that you can feel empowered to pursue the dreams that are most meaningful to you. Join us as we rethink the status quo and Build A Wealthy Spirit!
Build A Wealthy Spirit
187. Get Rich In Three Steps - The Simple Not Sexy Way
This episode is for anyone who feels like they want to be better about saving and growing their money, building wealth, and just want the basics stripped down. Sammie and Michelle are answering the basic personal finance questions around the rules or steps to building wealth.
These steps include saving money, safely investing your money and which numbers to know. There is a simple way to build wealth. It may not be easy. You may have to make adjustments based on your current season of life. But Sammie and Michelle found that learning these basic personal finance steps helped them start to be smarter with their money and build more wealth through the power of compounding.
Show Notes:
- How To Thrive on Sabbatical - Michelle’s live online Sabbatical Course starting in September!
- The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement by Mr Money
- What Are Index Funds, and How Do They Work? from Investopedia
- FI Number and Withdrawal Rates | Community Q&A by ChooseFI
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